Repair of traditional buildings

Overview | Find the cause | Use skilled people | Source suitable materials | Keep a record of repairs

Find the cause

You must first find out the cause of the defect. Suitable repairs can then put a stop to the issue arising again. Treating the symptoms only will cause the issue to return in future.

For example, blistering paintwork on masonry will keep occurring if it’s simply replaced with more of the same product. Better to work out why it happens and then use a different, more suitable paint.

Similarly, there is little sense in repointing masonry that has suffered decay due to water ingress unless the leaking downpipe responsible for the problem has been repaired.

View the useful table of common defects and remedial action in our Short Guide 9: Maintaining your home.

Learn about parts of traditional buildings that may require regular repair such as leadwork, masonry and windows in our INFORM Guides.